Please call 07825 201 431
Our specialist service & repair engineer Paul in Mortlake has over 30 years experience.
Landlords Gas Safety Certificates in Mortlake
Since 1996 it has been a legal requirement for landlords to hold a valid CP12 Certificate for homes supplied with gas in the UK.
The annual gas safety inspection ensures the gas appliances and flues in the landlords rental property are operating safely and up to current standards.
Our engineers are Gas Safe registered gas boiler experts and are available at short notice to issue Landlord´s Gas Safety certificates in Mortlake.
Landlords we can contact your tenants directly to arrange access. Please call text or email us today.
To book your Landlords gas safety certificate please call or text Paul or Hollie on 07825201431
Landlords save 30% when combining your gas certificate and boiler service:
To book your Landlords gas safety certificate please call or text Paul or Hollie on 07825201431
Please text 07825 201 431 with the job post code, boiler make, model and message
We offer a 30% discount when you combine your Landlords Gas Safety Inspection (CP12) with your annual boiler service in Mortlake, so with excellent savings to be made, call us today.
We have gas safe registered engineers on call and able to provide fast response landlords gas certificates in Mortlake at short notice.
Boiler service £95.00. (senior engineer)
Landlords gas certificate £95.00. (senior engineer)
Boiler service and Landlords gas certificate combined £135.00. (senior engineer)
The above charges are subject to VAT and any parking charges.
To book your Landlords gas safety certificate please call or text Paul or Hollie on 07825201431
Our specialist service & repair engineer Paul in Mortlake has over 30 years experience.
"Thanks for a great service. Special thanks to Paul the engineer - friendly, helpful and professional. Will be highly recommending you to all of our friends and family. Wish you mended TVs as well!!! My best wishes for your continuing success." We will be using you when the landlords gas safety certificate is due - Patricia Melbourne - Mortlake - October-2023
"I have used Paul twice for a Gas Safety Certificate. His prices are competitive and the service is prompt, reliable and friendly. Highly recommended!" - Mr G Vivash - Mortlake - August-2023
"It feels so great to have reliable heat again after Paul had the part with him for my Vaillant Turbo Max boiler." - Duncan and Pauline - Mortlake - February-2024